Thursday, September 24, 2015

September Pack Meeting

 Connor, Byron, Joseph, JD, Andrew, Alex and Matthew
 Such a fun group of boys!
 Matthew was able to pin mom and get his face painted for his advancement! 
Great job buddy!
Just check out that awesome warrior face paint! He was a good sport and like always put a smile on everyone's face with his goofy personality! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Church Tricks

Sometimes you just need a little peace and quiet on the way to church so that you can feel the spirit and be prepared to receive the message the Lord has in mind for you. After constantly bothering Rebecca for the first 10 minutes of the car ride, we duct taped Matthew's mouth closed to enjoy the last 10 minutes of peace. Poor guy! But it was well worth it as everyone felt the calm!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ward Luau

The kids had a great time exploring the Bishop's backyard during the Ward Luau! 
Daddy had his hands full! 
 The girls made lais and grass skirts and hula hooped!
After eating the pig and tons of pineapple, everyone stopped to watch the show!
Emily hanging with Jake 
Krista Cobb did a fire dance for us! 
It was fun mingling with friends! What a great kick-off to our school year!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

After School Right Now...

This little girl comes home from school each day and is exhausted! Today she walked upstairs and landed on a pillow in the corner of the playroom and crashed! The first month of school is torture for these sleepy kiddos! Bex crashes out all the time before dinner happens! Hopefully she can adjust soon!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Ziplines at ZipNac

We drove a couple hours north to Nacadogess for a family fun adventure in ziplining! We had a blast! This was everyone's first time ziplining and ZipNac was a great family place for us to all enjoy! Our guides were all wonderful and put up with my crazy screaming and super cool tricks I tried! Nobody got injured and that thrilled me! It is getting harder and harder to find things our whole family can enjoy doing together with the kid's age difference. ZipNac was highly enjoyed by all!!!
Getting geared up and meeting our guides
Emily and Matt are ready to go!
Bex was too young to go by herself so she was able to piggyback with her guide
Jacob was not as thrilled to get suited up!
Before heading out, they made us watch the demo
This should be a piece of cake, right? Demo is over and it's time to climb!
We had to climb all those flights of stairs to get started! We were all worn out before our first zip! Here's Katie
Bex got to ride with her guide named Rebecca (great name!)
Emily was fearless and took off!
Little Jacob, not yet 2 years old, got to ride with a guide also. He did not like having to be away from mom and dad! 
All smiles from this sweet girl! 
Daddy coming down the first line 
 Kept these two together as much as we could in between each zip!
 Having to climb up the bridge between the 3rd and 4th lines
Katie catching some hang time!  
 Matthew would just blast off each time!
Katie making it up the bridge! It was way more difficult than it looked! 
Emily cruising in for a landing
 Taking a break! 
Emily flying!
  It took Jacob a few lines to finally stop crying and enjoy zipping! This was on the first run so he doesn't look too happy yet!
Graceful Katie  
Bombs away Matthew!
I love Emily's eyes tightly shut here! It was a great landing!
The Bex's chilling on down the line! 
Jacob might like this flying stuff afterall!
There goes Emily!  
Daddy had a fun time zipping too! 
Bex got to zip solo down the final line because it was so long and gradually slow that there was no way she could get out of control! Here she actually needed a guide to help push her the rest of the way to the end. She was just a little bit too lightweight!
With Bex riding alone, Matt was able to race Rebecca to the finish line!
 The side-by-side lines were the grand finale! Matthew was too light to make it clear to the end and needed the guide Matt to help push him along! Katie and Emily were able to race eachother! We did not keep track of who actually won, but I believe each of them will say that they did themselves!
 Matthew made it to the finishline!
Oh my goodness! We are such goofballs! The whole run took about 2-1/2 hours and it was perfect for the whole family to enjoy! Rebecca got to zip down the final line all by herself because it was the longest line which meant slowest speed and she thought she was the coolest girl in town! Such a big girl! We went inside the shop and each designed our own T-shirts and picked out our favorite colors to wear. I have not heard so much laughter and screaming (not by me of course) in such a long time! What a perfect day!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Ballet Bex

 This beautiful girl decided to give ballet and tap dancing a try!
 She is such a fun dancer!
Her classes are Thursday night so I have to pick her up from school at 3:20 (which means Jake and I get there around 2 for the car rider line to be in the front to snatch her and Matt real quick). Then we race home to get her clothes and a snack and pick up the older girls. Everyone rides to Bex's dance class in The Woodlands. I leave Bex with either Katie or Emily watching in the hall so that I can pick up Sam from work, then come back to pick up Bex and drop Katie and Emily off at their acting class from 5:30-7:30. It is one crazy night but I love seeing everyone happy and doing what they love!