Sunday, January 31, 2016

Popcorn Porker

Sam got a big tub of popcorn at the movies last night and we brought the leftovers home.
Right when we got home from church, Jacob grabbed the bucket off the counter...
And dove head first straight into it! Such a funny boy! Eating it like the little piggies!!!
Church was long - he must have been starving hungry! 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Campfire Pack Meeting

This month we were able to have our pack meeting in the Petty's backyard. The boys were able to start a campfire and cook dinner.
Cubmaster Sam starting the ceremonies! We had flashlights and glow sticks to help us see our papers to read!
The families brought chairs to sit on around the campfire and enjoyed the awards and program! 
Each den had a few skits prepared and jokes to share with us! Very funny times!
And at the end, we were able to make smore's of course! My kids loved burning the marshmallows to a crisp! What a fun night to spend with our families and support our cubscouts!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

YW Basketball Tournament

Katie got to play in the young women's basketball tournament all morning Saturday. Katie actually had a really good time playing! I had to drive Matthew to his game during Katie's tournament, but we came back to watch Katie play and her team never lost a game! It was awesome! 
Her team was huge with lots of friends added to them!
 And look what awesome team won 1st place!!! Way to go Magnolia 2nd Ward! 
The Undefeated Tournament Champs of 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

YW in Excellence

Here are the beautiful young women of the Magnolia 2nd Ward. The theme for this year in young women's is Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ. So the theme for tonight's program was airplane centered. 
The stewardesses delivered water and pretzels down the aisle. 
 The current young women sang a beautiful song
The pilot (Bishop Adams) and co-pilot (Bro. Mooneyham) gave wonderful talks that night. These are the new beehives that will be joining the YW program this year! What a fun night spent welcoming them! I cannot believe Emily is going to be out of Primary and moving on to young women's! She will be a Beehive while Katie is a Mia Maid this year!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Playtime with Daddy

 These two are always up to something!
 Bex sure loves being tossed around by her daddy!
Once everyone discovers Daddy and Bex are having a good time, they want to be a part of it! Daddy ends up giving horsie rides around the house and the kids love it! 
 These two are such great buds! Jake follows Bex everywhere and I love it when they are laughing together!
And this is my daring Jacob - I'm King of the Rock! He climbs up on the arm of our couch and jumps after throwing his arms up in triumph! He is adorable and repeats this over and over!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Bingo Losers

 Miss Braedy and I hit the high school Bingo tables again, bringing Emily along as our good luck charm - she brought no luck! Total Bingo losers!!!
We lost every single game. But it was a fun night for sure! Love hanging with Miss Braedy and Emily! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sleepy Monkeys

First week back to school after Christmas Vacation and we have some major sleepy kiddos! They just got home about 20 minutes ago and barely ate a snack and sat down to unwind watching cartoons! So sweet to see them side by side sleeping!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Puppy Conference

I just love this sweet girl of mine! I caught her sitting on the couch, hanging out with her stuffed animal puppies with her winter hat on and it was too cute to pass up! She is so beautiful and I love watching her creative side flourish! Love ya Bex!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Matthew's Basketball Season Begins

 Matthew had a great first game of the season today! Rebecca and our buddy Troy came to watch him play!
High speed dribbling for the fast break!
Ready to take the shot underneath the basket! Our team won by at least 10 points! 
This was my best picture from game #2 of Matthew dribbling the ball through traffic! He has practice every Wednesday night from 5-6:30 at Bear Branch Elementary School. Matthew rides the bus home with Greyson Morgan each Wednesday and his mom drops them off at practice while I do my driving duties for the rest of the family. Then I bring the boys home before heading out to our church activities at 7:00. It is by far the busiest night of the week for us! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The King's Birthday

 We took our friends, Mike and Michelle Martinez out to dinner at Chuy's to celebrate Elvis' birthday!
And look who I found!
 Elvis is so popular at Chuy's, they even have the Elvis Presley meal on their menu!
 While my Elvis was mingling with fans, I found a great photo op in the Elvis corner
My honey dressed up like Elvis and was greatly revered by fellow patrons all meal long! 
We always have so much fun together! 
 I love laughing with my Elvis and hearing all the historical facts about the King as he was studied so closely for many years by my hubby! He has a few Elvis outfits in our closet to pick from. I love all the bling! Happy Birthday Elvis!