Thursday, August 25, 2016

Bex with Lilly

A couple days after school started, Rebecca came home and wanted to wind down for the day with Lilly in her lap! She sure loves Emily's guinea pig! Bex is such a sweetheart with Lilly!

Monday, August 22, 2016

First Day of School 2016

 These two are the first ones up and out the door! Too dark for outdoor pictures, so we settled for the front door.
 Katie is 9th grade this year - first year of high school at MHS and seminary
Emily is 7th grade this year - first year of middle school at BBJH
I drove Emily to school each morning at 6:45 so that she could get some extra sleep and not have to catch the bus at 5:55am. Katie had daily rides to seminary - we had a monthly schedule where one parent drove each morning for one week out of the month and rotated through the 4 families carpooling. We met at Kroger parking lot at 5:20am each morning. Katie was my early bird trooper! 
 Ellisor Elementary School kids
 Matthew is 5th grade - last year of elementary school
Rebecca is 1st grade
I let the kids ride the bus the first few weeks of school, having them out the door before 7am, but their school didn't start until 8:20 so I decided to drive them to school each morning at 8:00. That way they could sleep in until 7 and we could enjoy our mornings together! Then they would ride the bus home and arrive around 4:15pm. I sure miss these kiddos while they are away at school!