Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Emily's Third Grade Hoedown

 After Matthew's Hoedown, Bex and I ran a couple of errands and then made it back to school in time for Emiy's hoedown.
 It was fun to see how much further advanced their steps were this year!
 Circle the ring!
 Emily had a huge smile on the entire time and it was pure joy to watch her shine!  Last year she would not even pose for any pictures and actually covered her face whenever the camera came out!  So this was a much better year for her on camera!
 Emily and Bex doing the Cowboy Macarena together
 Emily sure had a cute partner to dance with - Eddie
We loved watching Emily square dance this year!  She did an exellent job and made leaps and bounds in improvement from last year!  Love this girl!

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