Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chipped Tooth

 On this lovely Saturday afternoon, our family headed out to Sam's workshop so that he could get a few things done and the kids could be his little helpers working on cars.  Well, we decided to have a little too much fun there and everyone took turns rolling on the roller that scoots under cars.  It was Katie's turn and she stood up and took a running start with the roller in her hands, tripped slightly during her landing, and face planted directly into the cement floor.
  Needless to say, her front teeth punctured completely through her upper lip and one tooth actually chipped.  After getting the bleeding under control, and ice to her lip, I started searching the floor for the remainder of her chipped tooth.  After awhile of searching, Katie said that she thought the chipped tooth was embedded in her upper lip.  Sure enough, I left the kids with Sam and put Katie in the van to rush to Tomball Hospital.  I wanted to make sure all the tooth was removed from her lip.  On our way there, Katie's tongue worked a lot of the tooth out of her lip.  We ended up sitting in the waiting room for 3-1/2 hours.  The swelling had gone down tremendously and we quickly got tired of watching TV.  There were only 3 people in front of us when we got there and I thought it would be a quick in and out, just taking a quick look to make sure the chips of tooth were gone before the cuts sealed closed. 
We were finally taken to this back room,off of the ER side for the less emergent cases.  And we waited in that room for 30 minutes without anyone coming to see us.  I found a sterile Q-tip and did a quick inspection of Katie's lip.  I didn't see anymore pieces and so we decided that after a long 4-hour wait, we would stop at the vending machines for a Hostess cupcake and head back to the shop to pick everyone up.  What a waste of time!  I have now had the amazing experience of the Tomball Hospital, which definitely lived up to its terrible reputation!  I kept teasing Katie and telling her that she needs to complain of chest pains - then they would take us right back! 
Katie felt pretty cool with her chipped tooth for a few days, showed it off like a trophy.  On Wednesday morning, we got into the dentist and filled it in.  Her lip has healed very well and now we are waiting for the hospital bill to arrive because we know they will want to be paid for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I can't believe Katie chipped her tooth like that. I'm glad she didn't take it too hard. I bet you're proud of her for looking at the bright side of things, instead of clammoring up. She's a brave girl, but I'm glad she got her tooth filled in now. Tell her to be more careful next time! All the best! :)

    Warren Fitzgerald @ Brockington Dental
