Saturday, October 26, 2013

Weekend Before Halloween

The weekend before Halloween had our family visiting our cousins in Houston for Maren's baptism.  She looks beautiful and it was a wonderful meeting! 
 Cousins playing around the tree after the baptism
 The awesome Long Family:  Brady, Amy, Parker, Jake and Alex and Maren 
 Cousin Crew:  Katie, Emily, Rebecca, Maren, Alex, Matthew, Jake and Parker
 Sam and Rebecca exploring the church grounds
 Grandpa and Grandma were there too!  I love this picture of Grandpa hugging Emily!
 Uncle Brad was there too!
 After a quick change at the Long's house, the kids got their Halloween costumes on and went back to the church for the ward's trunk or treat program.  Emily and Maren had no clue that they were both going to be Cleopatra for Halloween!  What a fun surprise!
 Bex the adorable monkey
 Lots of soup!
 The trunks are getting decorated
 Matthew helping Rebecca around
 Katie looking ghoulish like a lost soul
 Jake, Katie and Matthew
Our Halloween bunch:  Katie (lost soul), Matthew (ninja zombie), Emily (Cleopatra) and Bex (monkey)

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