Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Sweet Baby Boy

My sweet precious baby boy
I just love everything about this little guy!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Lopez Style!

We were lucky to have Uncle Brad over for Thanksgiving dinner this year!
The feast:  Green bean casserole, stuffing, blue cheese dip with crackers, turkey, cranberries, yams, mashed potatoes and gravy
 Matthew and Emily sitting at the bar
 Brad brought the pies - yum!!!
 Bex digging into her pumpkin pie
 Matthew just loved the cool whip!
 Mom and baby Jacob
 Emily hanging out with Uncle Brad
 So much to be thankful for!  This picture makes my heart to pitter-patter all over!
 We had a wonderful afternoon and evening with Uncle Brad over for dinner!  He took the kids out to the front yard to play soccer while Sam and I finished up the cooking in the kitchen and the kids loved it!  Brad is way too much fun with the kids! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sweet Feet

 I LOVE LOVE LOVE baby feet!!!
 Still see the heel stick marks from the hospital, but check out those super cute tiny toes!
 Always wanting to bend inwards
Love these tiny feet!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Matthew's Turkey Project

 To celebrate Thanksgiving this year, Matthew was assigned to build a turkey to display in his classroom.  He totally got an A on this project!
I immediately passed this project on to Sam as a father/son bonding moment and it worked beautifully!  Sam is so creative and Matthew was right beside him the whole time helping with their creation and giving his ideas.  His turkey was the biggest in the class and everyone loved its feet!

Monday, November 18, 2013


Cuddling with papa
 I love the STRETCH!!!
 Sweet baby boy!

Bex the Reader

Rebecca stole Emily's glasses to read her book today.  I thought this picture of Bex was just beautiful even though the book she chose to read is about 4th grade level and her eyes are probably blurry while she reads along!  She thought she was pretty hot stuff!  Love this girl!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Jacob Hangin' with the Family

 These two are inseparable!  I have to beg Sam just so I can hold little Jake!
 The girls givin' him some lovin'
 Emily with baby Jake - he was just so tiny!
 Sunday afternoon nap for my boys.  I caught these 3 snoozing on the couch while I was working that afternoon and had to sneak a few pictures!  Matthew sure loves his baby brother and Sam!  They are all going to be such great pals!
Sam doesn't know that I'm posting these sleepy Sam pictures, but it's just too adorable to resist!  Jacob fits right in to this family and I couldn't be happier!!! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cute Baby Pictures

 This is one of my favorite outfits on baby Jake! 
 Monster Jacob!
 Sleepy time!
 Snoozing in the bassinet
This adorable creature is so tiny, but still finds a way to take up our entire bed!  I wouldn't have it any other way!!! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ellisor Elementary Fun Run

Grandma, Rebecca, Jacob and mom went to join Emily and Matthew in their Fun Run fundraiser today!
 Grandma and Bex did a lap together
 Here is Emily cruising around the field while mom and Jacob took a little break!
 Emily ended up completing 25 laps and was dying from the heat at the end!  Such a super trooper!
 Later in the afternoon, we made it to Matthew's Fun Run.  He had fun pushing Jacob a couple laps!
 Here he is cruising!  We love supporting the kids at school!  They worked hard to raise money this year!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day 4th Grade Choir

 Monday morning had us up early to head to the elementary school - this was Jacob's 1st big outing and he was just 5 days old!
 We did make it through the choir performance without any screaming (from Bex or Jake) and Emily sang so beautifully!
Emily loved having Grandma here to watch her choir perform and honor all the men and women who have and continue to serve our country! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jacob's First Visitors

 Grandma Whimpey flew down from Seattle to visit and help around the house with our brand new baby. 
 She sure loved on this beautiful boy!  It was hard to get him back into my arms once Grandma had him!
 Aunt Amy and cousin Maren came to visit too!
 Maren is the baby of her family so she never got the chance to hold little babies like this!
 Everyone helps her out!
 Even Uncle Brad came to visit baby Jake!  We were so happy for the great company and Jacob loved all the attention I'm sure!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


As crazy as it seems, the November weather still permits backyard sprinkler time here in Texas!
 Matthew making a dash!
Silly Monkey Emily
 Rebecca posing for the Heisman's!
 These 3 kids are sure fun to watch!
 Rebecca was super silly with her high stepping through the sprinklers!  Well, there goes our water bill this month!  But oh what fun!!!