Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jacob Louis Lopez is here!

On Wednesday, November 6, 2013, our family expanded by 2 adorable feet! 
Jacob definitely had a good set of lungs!
 Weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces
 More screaming with his first diaper
 Mom and dad are totally smitten with this little guy
 My boys
 Very satisfied after his first nursing
 Bex meeting Jacob for the first time
 The whole crew meeting Jacob - Katie was so funny because she looked so surprised when she saw Jacob and said, "He looks so normal!  So cute!"  We are just going to assume she thought he would have sideburns like his papa!
 Brothers and soon to be best buds!
 Emily holding him like a pro!
 Katie getting some lovin' in!
 Bex is not too sure about this little dude, but loved to touch his head and constantly asked to hold him while she visited the hospital.
 Our first visitors brought gifts - lots of clothes from my boss and co-workers.  Kevin and Patti held Jacob and they were such naturals!  Got him quieted down and he loved them instantly!
 Rebecca also met Santa (who was watching his granddaughter at the observation window)
 It didn't take long for her to open up and tell him everything she wanted for Christmas!
 Such a handsome boy!
Ready to head home. 
 He looks so tiny in his car seat!
 We brought Jacob home from the hospital on Friday afternoon and that night I got a load of files from the office to work on over the weekend.  Work and a new baby - I didn't skip a beat!
 He loved his swing - the best seat watching momma work! 
Our family has been so blessed to have Jacob in our home!  We all adore him and I love watching everyone love our little man in their own way.  He is perfect as our 5th child and I cannot wait to watch him grow!

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