Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jacob's Baby Blessing

We were so lucky to have Grandpa Whimpey fly down for Jacob's baby blessing!
 After playing hard all day, these two crashed on the couch!  Love these sleeping boys!
 The Long's came out to visit us in Magnolia for this special day and to participate in the baby blessing.  
Sam, Grandpa and Brady participated in Jacob's blessing along with members of our ward family (Bro. McDermott, Bro. Pierce, Bishop Stutz, Bishop Stewart)  During the blessing, Sam gave Jacob a Navajo name (Eagle) which I had never seen before so I felt extremely blessed and proud of Jacob's Native American heritage.  With it being fast Sunday, both Sam and I bore our testimonies in sacrament meeting that day and we felt the spirit so much throughout our baby's special day!  
 We headed back to our house afterwards for croissant sandwich's, salads and fruit for lunch.
And of course everyone got to hold Baby Jacob!  Here is sweet Maren taking a turn.
 Our family pictures - I'm still not used to seeing 5 kiddos around us!
 I think I like this photo better with Matthew's mouth closed!
 Rebecca, Jacob, Matthew, Katie and Emily 
 Proud Papa!  
 Sam and I feel so blessed to have Jacob in our family!  He is such a sweet boy and he brings each of us so much gladness!  Our hearts are full!  And a special thank you to all that participated and supported us today!  It was truly a blessed day for us!  

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