Saturday, February 22, 2014

Championship Game

 During the final championship game, our team was a little short-handed when Matthew broke his left clavicle bone 3 days earlier at practice and another teammate was gone on vacation.  They only had 4 players this game.  The Chairperson of the Magnolia Basketball Association calling Matthew's number to be recognized out on the court before the final game began.
 They had to play against the Jazz - the only team that had beat them during the regular season.  The Jazz were tough and the Pistons played their hearts out!
 Our favorite ref was the female one because she would actually stop to show the boys what they were doing incorrect and the correct way to do it!  She was great!  Here she is giving Matthew a high-five even though he had to sit this game out.
Jake cheering loud for the Pistons!
 The girls playing their kindles, I mean, cheering for Matthew's team 
 After the game, the coach talked about how each boy improved throughout the season.  Matthew receiving his medal, water bottle, and sports bag for playing in this basketball league.
 Rounding the boys up after their sad loss to the Jazz. What a fun season to watch and cheer for these sweet boys!  They worked very hard and won most of their games!
2nd Place Champs:  Matthew, Byron, Derrick, Callen, and Greyson (not shown here Josh)
Thanks Coach for a great season!

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