Sunday, March 16, 2014

On to Young Women's!

Katie turned 12 today!  She is now out of primary and into the Young Women's program!  Woot! Woot!  Activities every Wednesday night at the church!
The present pileup
 For Katie's birthday this year, she and I went shopping together for a new wardrobe. We had a lot of fun shopping in the junior's department but she knew all of her presents beforehand!
 I had to sneak one surprise gift in there - she is a Hunger Games fanatic and has been bugging me for the movie Catching Fire for months!
 Super yummy cake
 Jacob likes the ice cream best!
 I cannot believe my baby is 12 years old already!  I look at her so much more as a grown-up these days than a kid anymore.  She is playing the piano well and singing in every choir she possibly can!  She is still my top book reader and has become very dependable with babysitting her younger siblings!  We might actually have to start paying her when Sam and I go out on dates!  Love this girl to pieces!
Happy Birthday Katie Bug!

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