Saturday, November 22, 2014

Family Bowling Night

 I just have to say that we are AWESOME at bumper bowling!!!
We played 2 games on one lane this night. The kids are getting better each time we go!
Here's Matthew with the perfect form!
 Katie attacking the pins!
 And she gets the first strike of the evening!
Bex gives the ball a gentle push
 And when it's not her turn to bowl, she slides herself
Everyone watching Bex's ball slowly roll down the lane! 
Daddy lets is roll! 
Jacob loved it when we'd let him down to crawl all over the slippery lane!
Emily demonstrates great form! 
 They were out of pizza so we had to settle for chicken strips, sandwich's, fries and Root Beer! Yum!
 Bex was the protector of the ball return
 Jacob and daddy give it a roll!
After bowling a couple rounds, we headed to the arcade. 
 The kids had a great time bowling tonight! Love my time with my family!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving with the Long's

Thanksgiving this year had us at my sister Amy's house. She has the yummiest potatoes, turkey, rolls, green beans, and desserts! We were stuffed!!!
The kiddie counter 
The adult table 
Alex, Jake and Jake
  Cousins hanging out!
 Uncle Brady
 Signing Maren's cast
 Katie's signature
Katie helping Bex sign the cast.
This was the first Thanksgiving without Parker there and I think everyone thought about him at least once throughout the night! We are so grateful to have such an amazing family and enjoy all the time we get to spend with them! 
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Young Women in Excellence

For Young Women in Excellence this year, Katie decided to focus on the value of knowledge. She has been cooking a lot more this year and experimenting with foods. It is so nice to be able to ask her to help out more in the kitchen, often starting meals or helping with preparation while I am out and about, which always seems to happen right at dinnertime. She had to go up in front of the entire room to share what she has been working on and all that she has learned as part of her knowledge value experience. 
I will often find her searching through my cookbooks to find something to bake! Here is her display table for all the families to check out. It was a beautiful night to display all that the young women have been working on throughout the year! Katie did a great job with her presentation! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day 5th Grade Choir Celebration

Emily was asked to sing in a small group (4 girls total) for the patriotic song "Everyday Hero". She has been loving choir and enjoys singing with the other dedicated 5th graders that practice once a week before school starts. Emily has a beautiful singing voice and really memorizes the songs quickly! We love hearing her sing and shine up there on stage!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Look Who Turned One!

Wow! The time sure has been flying by! Our little Jacob just turned 1 today!
We started celebrating with his presents
 He had lots of help opening his presents!
 Then we headed out to Chuck E Cheese for dinner
He loved all the kiddie rides! 
 Jacob was not a huge fan of the giant mouse, but we did get him to high-five one time!
 My cute Bex in her bright pink boots! Dancing her heart out for some tickets!
 More rides
 Jacob pulling daddy up the slide with him - we are just smitten by this boy!
 We raced home to cake and ice cream
 Jacob grabbing a little handful
 He had to taste test it to make sure the cake was good enough for the rest of us!
This little guy chowed down on his cake tonight! He is such a joy to have in our family and we cannot get enough of his squishy smiles!!! Happy Birthday Jacob! We love you so much!!!