Thursday, November 6, 2014

Look Who Turned One!

Wow! The time sure has been flying by! Our little Jacob just turned 1 today!
We started celebrating with his presents
 He had lots of help opening his presents!
 Then we headed out to Chuck E Cheese for dinner
He loved all the kiddie rides! 
 Jacob was not a huge fan of the giant mouse, but we did get him to high-five one time!
 My cute Bex in her bright pink boots! Dancing her heart out for some tickets!
 More rides
 Jacob pulling daddy up the slide with him - we are just smitten by this boy!
 We raced home to cake and ice cream
 Jacob grabbing a little handful
 He had to taste test it to make sure the cake was good enough for the rest of us!
This little guy chowed down on his cake tonight! He is such a joy to have in our family and we cannot get enough of his squishy smiles!!! Happy Birthday Jacob! We love you so much!!! 

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