Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Celebrate with Matthew

Emily, Bex and I took Matthew and his friend Byron to see the movie "Home" at Tomball Cinemas. It was a lot of fun eating theater popcorn and sneaking yummy treats in!
Matthew and his buddy Byron are such goofballs together!
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Matthew's Big 9!

Happy birthday lunch at school with Matthew!
 Of course he shares his nuggets with Jacob! These two are best buds!
 So sad that Matthew broke his collar bone again! This is his 3rd time - not what you want to become a pro at!
 Opening presents one handed
 He's pretty good at it!
Blowing out candles
Matthew is a fun-loving silly kid! He is nine years old now and sure seems to be growing so fast! This kid can eat!!! He did great playing basketball over the past few months and is always eager to play outside. Everyday he is asking if he can go outside and find his friends the minute he walks in the door from school! I love this kiddo to pieces and enjoy watching him grow physically and in building his character! 
Happy birthday Matthew!!! 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Another Day at the Ranch

Bex, Emily and Matt taking a walk around the pond 
 Daddy and Jake
 Our friend Jeffrey came with us and he walked Matt and Bex around the pond too
Matthew loved the dogs 
 We love petting the beautiful horses
Jake with the biggest horse - we call him Goliath 
Matthew found a friend 
 This white horse was so gentle!
  Sweet boys!
 Cute girls! 
I love my crew! They are a blast to hang around with and always keep me smiling!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Park and Daddy's Shop

We are loving the weather and stop at Burrough's Park often either on our way to or our way home from Daddy's work! Walking around the big pond, Bex found this hollow stump. 
 Lunch break and Bex crazy riding!
 She sure loves her daddy!
 We love our lunch days with dad!
Another morning at the park 
These are the best days - I get my exercise and the kids get to play!!! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

All of My Little Peppers

 We had a chance to take a day trip during spring break this year...
 So we headed to Waco, Texas which is the birthplace of my favorite beverage -- Dr. Pepper
Ready to head inside the building
 The kids had fun touring the museum
 Matthew checking out all the different bottles that were used to serve Dr. Pepper
 The kids completing the treasure hunt on how Dr. Pepper was produced and manufactured.
 I want that cooler!
 Emily checking out a super cool thermometer display
Bex picking his nose
Dr. Pepper and Texas - doesn't get much better than that! 
One of the old delivery trucks 
 Matthew found Spider Man!
Emily, my hero! 
Another cool cooler! 
We let Jacob out of the stroller to walk around the 3rd floor - he wants to "Be a Pepper" 
Mr. Dr. Pepper - W.W. Clements 
 Mom was there too!
 Rebecca doing the Marilyn Monroe pose above the vent in the candy shop
 They had a whole wall/menu filled with desserts that have some form of Dr. Pepper used in it! I let all the kids pick one special treat and they were in heaven!
Emily and Matthew hanging out 
 These kiddos have picked up my love for Dr. Pepper and love it when I sneak them a sip of my drink! It was a long drive out to Waco, but totally worth the fun memories made today!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Park and Houdini

Spring break had us working on Matthew's scouting. We had to visit a historical spot and there was a marker we drove by all the time on 2978 near Carraway Road, which led us to the first school here in Magnolia/Tomball area. 
The kids had to play on the playground of course! You can see the school in the background - it has obviously been fixed up quite nicely! 
Everyone's getting dizzy 
Matthew riding the middle 
 Teeter tottering fun!
 Rebecca gets adventurous!
 These two are pretty cute
 They had fun climbing the big tree
After the park, we headed to Costco for groceries. We love our Costco because they have police horseriders! 
Today we met Houdini (the horse) and got to feed him some snacks! I love this picture because Matthew freaked out when Houdini nudged him for some more goodies!