Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Hunt

 We were lucky to have an awesome family with a fun backyard for the kids to enjoy their Easter egg hunting! We brought yummy strawberry pizza over to Melissa and Byron Beaird's house for dessert and were able to hang out all afternoon in their beautiful home!
Here Byron is helping Jacob find an egg! He doesn't have any younger siblings so it was so sweet to watch how careful he was with Jacob!
Rebecca claimed the Batgirl mask 
 Jacob had fun finding eggs this year!
 These two filled up their baskets pretty full!
 Batgirl found an egg on the swing!
 My sweet boy
 Just love him and his chubs!
 After the younger kids got to hunt for awhile uninterrupted, the older kids got to join!
Katie and Matthew searching high on the swing set
Byron was very good to share his backyard with us since we are currently living in an apartment. He and Matthew are pretty good buddies and we really enjoyed their company! Time to hide the eggs again!

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