Saturday, May 30, 2015

Emergency Preparedness at Home Depot

Every year at our local Home Depot store, out in the front parking lot, there is a free emergency preparedness show put on for everyone in Magnolia. Sam is always the DJ for the show and does a great job getting everyone involved, sings a few songs and has fun with the kids!
 Bex with her Home Depot apron on after finishing her bird house project. All the canopies are in place so everyone can interact with the various groups that provide information on our local emergency provisions, plans and procedures! The teenagers volunteer and put on a good show of emergency situations that require immediate attention and the simulation in great to walk through! Love seeing all the fake blood and guts and smiling faces!
 Emily and Matthew working side-by-side on their project
Driving the huge emergency bus with Bex and Jake 
 Matthew helping Jacob up the ramp onto the bus
 The inside was awesome to see that if there is an emergency, there are enough beds and supplies to get 16-20 safely out of harms way!
 After strolling through all the booths and collecting the free goodies and information on various preparedness companies, the kids had a great time eating free hot dogs and working at the craft table to create their bird houses, paint and all!
It is a great reminder for me to always be informed and get prepared for any type of emergency situation that can occur here in Texas! I love that our church is so involved in running this program and that we are able to reach out to so many nonmembers that attend! 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Emily and Matthew's Award Assembly

Today was the awards assembly at Ellisor Elementary!
Matthew in line while his teacher, Miss Trader, describes all the awards he received this year!
Receiving his medal and award certificates from the Principal
 Had to pose up on stage for mom to get a good shot! 
Sam, Rebecca, Jacob and I came to support Matthew and were so impressed with how many awards he earned! Such a smart, hard working kid! 
  We were able to take Matthew out of school and headed to Chic-fil-a for ice cream treats! Jacob looked so adorable here with his white beard and mustache! Yum!
 This kid is sure growing fast! I cannot believe he will be done with 3rd grade and moving on up!
Later in the afternoon we had Emily's 5th grade award ceremony
Her teacher, Miss Sanders, had so many awards to list off and achievements and words of praise for Emily!
Emily receiving her medals and certificates from the principal up on stage
And of course stopping to pose for mom to get a great shot! Emily is such an outstanding student! Every teacher she has absolutely LOVES her!!! She is a rock star student!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

 We had a blast at Chuck E Cheese tonight! Bex loved dancing with the giant mouse and getting free tickets!
 Katie and Emily playing Skeeball
Matthew's favorite jumping rope
 Bex and Jake on the carousel
 Goofy girls playing Whack-a-mole
 The funny thing about our adventures tonight is that there was severe flooding and massive storm weather happening outside while we were cozy inside. On our way home, we had to take a few detours to go around the flooded roadways to get back to our apartment! Super scary but we made it! When we got home, this is what we found on the water-logged ground!
Sam made friends with this lovely crawfish! He wanted to collect a whole bunch more and make dinner! Crazy times in Texas!!! 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Spring Fun Run

Jake, Bex and I had fun watching Matt and Emily do their fun run! We got there right at the end, missed a bunch of laps, but still made it in time to support! The kids loved getting out of school a couple hours early with us! 
 After all the hot running, we had to stop at Chic-fil-a for chocolate shakes and the playland
Love my crazy crew! Pictures out in front of the school.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

5th Grade Choir Concert

Emily did choir this year and every Thursday morning she had to be at school 45 minutes early to practice the choir songs! Such a huge commitment but well worth it in the end! They did a wonderful performance and the kids grew so much closer together!  
  Emily, Ani and Kayley are such great friends!
 More pictures of this singing diva!
 Don't Stop Believin'
 Emily was asked to sing in a small group for one of the songs
So she is 2nd in the circle around the microphone 
She sang so beautifully! 
Love this girls love for music! 
Miss Reicht was a fabulous music teacher! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Burger King Playland

 This is what I am going to miss next school year when Rebecca starts kindergarten!
These two have so much fun together and Jacob follows Bex around inseparably! We try to hit the playland once a week and the kids really cut loose! Next year it will be so different with just Jacob home! I'm going to miss my Rebecca!!!

3rd Grade Choir Concert

Matthew's 3rd Grade Spring Choir Concert 
Matthew loved the song where he got to bounce a basketball to keep the rhythm of the beat!
I have such an awesome family! We love to support eachother! Missed Daddy Sam there while he was at work though! So almost all of my loves! 
Matthew's personality showing here! He is such a fun kid and definitely stole the show! 
Here he is bouncing away! He is on the left side of kids standing.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

7th Grade Final Choir Concert

So the theme of the concert was definitely summer fun!
Posing with pregnant Mrs. Hehli (she's going to have a girl!) 
 They did a bunch of fun Hawaiian themed songs all combined!
 Silly mom stole Emily's glasses to see more clearly!
 The girls choir sang "Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini"
 Katie is on back row left wearing blue top
 Katie is a rock star and sang a solo at the beginning of the program "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid
She nailed it! I couldn't be more proud of this girl singing her heart out and always shining up on stage!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Emily's 5th Grade Science Fair Project

Emily worked so hard on her science fair project! 
She did the candle carousel and had fun lighting the candles and timing how long it took for the fan to spin on top! So much fun!