Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Emily and Matthew's Award Assembly

Today was the awards assembly at Ellisor Elementary!
Matthew in line while his teacher, Miss Trader, describes all the awards he received this year!
Receiving his medal and award certificates from the Principal
 Had to pose up on stage for mom to get a good shot! 
Sam, Rebecca, Jacob and I came to support Matthew and were so impressed with how many awards he earned! Such a smart, hard working kid! 
  We were able to take Matthew out of school and headed to Chic-fil-a for ice cream treats! Jacob looked so adorable here with his white beard and mustache! Yum!
 This kid is sure growing fast! I cannot believe he will be done with 3rd grade and moving on up!
Later in the afternoon we had Emily's 5th grade award ceremony
Her teacher, Miss Sanders, had so many awards to list off and achievements and words of praise for Emily!
Emily receiving her medals and certificates from the principal up on stage
And of course stopping to pose for mom to get a great shot! Emily is such an outstanding student! Every teacher she has absolutely LOVES her!!! She is a rock star student!

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