Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School 2015!

 Emily 6th Grade (BB6 campus)
 Katie 8th Grade (BBJH)
Goofy pose for mom 
They are just too beautiful this early in the morning!
 And they're off! Had to catch the bus at 6:00 am with the bus stop just 3 houses down at the couldesac. 
 Rebecca Kindergarten (Ellisor)
 Matthew 4th Grade (Ellisor)
These cuties have to be at the bus stop at 7:00 am
First day of school and the excitement is in the air!
 Hugs and kisses from daddy!
Waiting at the bus stop together, Jake is going to miss Rebecca so much when she leaves to school! 
Matthew getting on the bus 
 Bex's first time riding the bus!
Time to say goodbye! 
More cute pics I stole before they left! 
 And even a good smile on Matt's face for this one!
 She is such a girlie girl with the daily wearing of dresses or skirts! She loves this Frozen dress that she got for school and the matching flower headband! I have to be honest and say that I bawled my eyes out once the bus pulled up! It was about 30 minutes late and I was enjoying every last moment with my baby girl! I could tell how nervous she was and kept reminding Matthew to take care of her! After watching the bus drive away and walking Jacob back to the house, I didn't say a word to Sam, not wanting him to see me cry, and locked myself in the bathroom until I regained my composure! It was a tough day for mom!
I thought it was really cute that Katie and Emily made a treasure hunt for me to finish on that first day of school! It was a great reminder of my love for each of them! 
I kept peeking into the bathroom and seeing their cute heart on the mirror throughout the day to keep that smile on my face and heart full of love! 
Luckily I had some help forgetting how much I was missing my kiddos! Kristen and Danai keeping me company! 
 Breakfast with the ladies at Texas Taco was a big hit!
My friend Braedy sent her boys off to school and made it to breakfast with me! We had such a fun time hanging out with the other moms and their little ones (along with my Jacob) for a little while to make the first day of school a great celebration! We'll have to keep up tradition each year! Love ya ladies!!!

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