Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

Uncle Brad came over to visit Christmas Eve afternoon. He brought gifts for the kids and they were thrilled to open them!
Bex got the talking, walking puppy she wanted so much!
 Jacob got a Paw Patrol "Rubble" stuffed animal that talks
 Matthew got Super Smash Bros for the Wii
 Emily got the DVD Cinderella
 And Katie got the Avengers
We gave Brad the book he really wanted to read - Katie and I had fun shopping at Barnes and Noble the other day, searching for one of Brad's picks! 
 After Brad left, we had friends over for dinner. Brandy and her husband Jake along with Judy (who's husband Don recently passed away and was a good friend of Sam's). They were definitely entertained by our rowdy bunch!
 Ham and potatoes for the main dish were yummy!
And of course the kiddie table was fun for Bex, Matt and Troy! The anticipation of Santa's arrival was at the top of conversation the entire night! We had a great time celebrating with our friends and looking forward to tomorrow!

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