Friday, September 23, 2016

Future Pep Band

The BBJH Band was invited to play with the high school pep band at the football game tonight 
 Emily had such a great time in the band section of the stadium!
Same game, Katie sang the National Anthem with the high school choir - she is hiding from my view in all the pictures I took of her - she is totally busted, but sounded great! 
Emily and Lanie (our fave flutes) 
I got to chaperone - love the photo bombing by Lanie and Heather! 
 The junior high kids were really impressed with the school spirit the band brings to the game! They were able to watch the halftime marching band perform also!
It was so sweet to have Emily say in the car ride home with all the enthusiasm she could, "I am DEFINITELY doing pep band in high school!!!" What a great experience for these kids! I was totally impressed with how the high school kids embraced them and really got them excited for their future band adventures! 
Walking down the bleachers at the end of the game (which Magnolia Bulldogs won of course) - the only picture I got with Katie in it and yes, I know she is covering her face!

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