Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam!!!

 Amidst all the holiday celebrations, we were able to celebrate Sam's birthday on Tuesday night!  Rebecca and I drove out to his shop and took him out to lunch at Schlotsky's - yummy!
 The kids helped pick out two presents for him - this maracca shaking Feliz Navidad singing Santa and an awesome new wallet. 
 The kids also helped me pick out his cake - since Bex and I got roped into driving him around on his work errands that day, I did not get the chance to bake his favorite - German Chocolate cake...maybe next year...
The cake was yummy and the company was fabulous!
After we put the kids to bed, Sam and I headed out for our romantic dinner at Carrabbas. I don't know how fair that is - the kids at Little Caesar's pizza and we got awesome italian cuisine!
Happy Birthday Sam!  We are loving life with you! 

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