Thursday, April 11, 2013

Choral Festival

 Katie was selected as one of the 10 fifth grade students to participate in the District Choral Festival this year!  This meant that she went to school an hour early each Friday morning since January.  This was definitely a musical year for her!  She had 5th grade choir Monday mornings before school and now Choral Festival on Fridays.
 Sam and I found a babysitter for the kids so that we were able to go watch Katie peacefully.  Their performance was at the Berry Center with 300 students total, 30 different schools participated.  Katie was the first person to walk on stage - she is heading to the left here. 
 The kids memorized 7 songs for this performance.
 They had a different conductor for each song that they met this same day.  It was a really neat experience:  I dropped Katie off at 4:30 with dinner in hand.  The kids practiced their songs with the individual directors for a couple of hours, took a break to eat dinner, and the parents came for the final performance at 7:30. 
 Katie in the very front row
 We were sitting up on the side in the stadium seating and could not get very good pictures of Katie so I had to sneak up closer for some good shots!
 I cheered so loud and tried my best to embarrass Katie :)
 She is pretty hot stuff!
 I did appreciate the hand motions that the final song had in it - so that happened to be my favorite conductor to watch!
I loved watching her have a great time up there!  And I know that she secretly appreciated my hoots and hollers for her!
She has the best music teacher, Mrs. Wilmer, and I am so proud of all of Katie's hard work this year in choir!  This was such a privilege to participate in the choral festival! 

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