Friday, April 26, 2013

Father/Son Campout

The boys had an interesting attempt at the Father/son campout this year.  After driving 2 hours out to the campgrounds, arriving around 8:45pm, the entrance was closed.  Sam drove around a bit and could not find a way into the camping area, so he and Matthew decided to call it a night and head back home.  Matthew was instantly asleep the entire truck ride home and when they got here at 10:30pm, he popped awake and wanted to camp in the backyard. 
 I had fun watching the boys put the tent up in our backyard together.
When it was all ready, I was headed inside (no girls allowed) and left them to their male bonding/wrestling match!
These two had a great time and survived the whole night out in the tent while I enjoyed my warm comfortable bed inside!  I love watching them play together and thought it was so cool that rather than coming home with a strikeout, they still camped outdoors!

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