Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Speech Grad

 After 5 long years of speech classes and extra services through each school district we have been a part of, Emily officially graduated!  She has improved her speech skills by leaps and bounds!  It is crazy to think that back when she was 3/4 years old, nobody could understand a word she said!  I didn't realize her speech was so bad until others would bring it up, mainly because I was with her 100% of the time and could understand her completely.  I got a little teary eyed when her speech teacher and classroom teacher sat in a little meeting with me to discuss her progress and success!  I have noticed the great improvements she has made and the extra practice she takes to focus on correcting the clarity of her speech!  She is such a super student and I am thrilled and so proud of her success!  Not everybody has the opportunity to graduate from speech class and she worked so hard for so many years to reach this goal! 
So we had to celebrate with a yummy cake that says, "Blah...Blah....Blah....."  which is a famous quote that Emily uses frequently!  She also needed a couple simple gifts for this momentous occasion!  I am so proud of you Emily and could not be happy enough for your hard work that has paid off immensely!  I love you!

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