Friday, May 31, 2013

5th Grade Graduation

Katie did an amazing job in elementary school and is prepared to move on to middle school this year!  We are so proud of her and her accomplishments!  What a super awesome student!
They had a graduation ceremony that lasted from 9:00am- 12:30pm on Friday morning.  The theme was the academy awards and everyone had a fun time walking down the red carpet!  Sam even donated his strobe light and it looked awesome flashing as the kids walked in!
This is Mrs. Widmer's 5th grade class - Katie is 2nd one over from the right in the 2nd row up from the bottom.  Everyone is proud to hold their diploma high!
 Katie at the front of the line to walk to her teacher and receive her diploma
 Everybody was pretty quiet during the ceremony with the 6 different 5th grade classes to read through, but of course I could not help but let out a few "Yips!"  and "Woot! Woot's!" to help embarrass her.  Each of the 5th graders wrote a future prediction of their lives and it was so cute to hear their predictions as they walked to the stage!  Katie wants to attend BYU college to become a teacher or actress.
 Following the diploma part of the ceremony, everyone headed out to the courtyard for a little drink, snack and mingling.
 Proud Mommy moment!  My first child to head on to middle school!
 We had Katie pose on the red carpet
 The last hour of the ceremony was spent watching the talent show.  Katie had her little buddy sit with her for the show.
 And of course Bex cannot just sit still while there is fun music going on!  She got up and bogeyed - everyone thought she was adorable so she continued for awhile!
 Katie and her friend Hailey went to all the talent show practices and were able to sing the song Trouble by Taylor Swift - they originally wanted to sing and dance to Shake it for me by Josh Turner, but the staff vetoed that song so they had to start all over and finally settled on Trouble. 
 This girl loves being on stage and looked way too comfortable with that microphone in her hand!  Sang her little heart out and did a fabulous job!
 Sam, Bex and I had a great time honoring Katie and her fellow 5th grade classmates!  She is SO ready for middle school and we can't wait for her to experience this next part of life!  We are so blessed to have this girl in our lives and love to watch her learn and grow!
Way to go Super Grad!

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