Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School 2013

  I now have a 6th grader, 4th grader and 2nd grader in school.  Back to early morning routines and being on a schedule! 
I love summertime, but we were ready to head back to school this year! 
Emily was the first one ready for school this morning.  She is attending Ellisor Elementary and I have no doubt that she will be an excellent student!
 Katie will be at the Bear Branch 6th Grade campus this year.  I love the idea that all 6th graders have their own campus and next year will be part of the 7th/8th grade campus.  This is her first year having 6 different classes and the elective that she chose to be a part of is choir.  She is also in the honor choir which meets every Tuesday morning before school.  Sam drives her to school every morning so that she does not have to ride for an hour on the bus with the high school kids and then rides the bus home after school as one of the first bus stops made. 
Matthew is my big 2nd grader at Ellisor Elementary school and his teacher is going to love him!  I love that he still gives me hugs before he leaves each morning - I will take them as long as I can!
 How did these kids grow up so fast??? 
Rebecca was still sleeping in bed this morning and was very sad when she woke up and everyone was gone.  We sure miss these kiddos while they are at school and definitely look forward to all the noise when they return!  Katie gets home first at 3:00 followed by Matthew and Emily at 3:45.
 Matthew and Emily ride the bus to school together.  The bus stop is right at the corner of our property - they love not having to walk far and I love sending them out the door waving from the front entryway. 
This is Matthew's first year riding the school bus.  For kindergarten and 1st grade, we lived so close to the school that they just walked.  He is really excited to be on the big yellow bus!
 Aaaaaahhh, the excitement and nervousness of the first day of school is fun to remember as I watch my kids going through it.  We are new to Magnolia and hope that the kids adjust well to their new school, teachers and friends. 
I'm sure this will be a great school year for the kids and cannot wait to see how much they learn and grow!

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