Friday, August 23, 2013


The weekend before school started, I took the kids to Galveston for the day to enjoy the beautiful beach!
 Katie caught the first hermit crab and by the end of the day, the kids had rounded up a couple dozen!
 Katie helping Bex with her backfloat
 Our beach umbrella, cooler marking our resting spot
 Everyone loved digging in the sand
 Emily and Matthew enjoying their mudball fight!
 Rebecca loved chasing the gulls
 Yummy gummy worms put a giant smile on everyone's face!
 Emily says we should make gummy worms one of our beach traditions (along with our Cheese Puffs) 
 Several times throughout the day, everyone headed as far out to sea as they could!  They had fun dragging their mother along who is deathly afraid of being eaten by a shark!  We loved jumping the waves and were able to walk out so far!!!
 Now that these crazy monkeys are a little bit older, it was fun to try and keep up with them out in the water!  Each was trying to go further than the other and I had to keep my eye on all of them!  Luckily, no one was eaten by a shark!
 Catching more hermit crabs!
 Collecting shells
This was the perfect way to end our summer vacation!  I will miss the kids while they are at school everyday!  We look forward to visiting Galveston much more in the future! 

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