Monday, June 2, 2014

6th Grade Graduation

 All the parents met at the middle school campus gym for the graduation ceremony that started at 10:00. Katie received her diploma from the principal of BB6 (Mr. Campbell)
 They had to walk from the bleachers on the right of the gym all the way around the gymnasium and back to their seat. I snuck up front for some closer pictures of this girl strutting her stuff!
 Of course we had to pose at the podium afterwards
 Her diploma and medal shared with Bex
 Principal Campbell and Katie - our star student!
 Katie's number one fans!
And of course Katie loving Jacob here! It was a great year for Katie on the 6th grade campus. She became another big sister, started braces and added more responsibility along the way! She is a great sister and we love her leadership in our home!

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