Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Family Reunion in Texas

 Emily hugging Uncle Andy
 Grandpa with the apron - working hard in the kitchen
 The crew: Melissa, Elisa, Dad, Amy, Kristy, and Megan
 Brady hanging with Jacob
 Dan and Melissa find the Elvis room!
 Sam and Andy - lets see if it fits!
Lay off the peace pipe Andy!
 Dan sporting the American Trilogy cape
 We were glad the Roger's and Lescantz families were able to come see our home out in Magnolia!
 Jacob sure warmed up to Uncle Dan!
 Our Family before bedtime
 The Larson family made it out to visit us also!
All the cousins on the stairs
 Katie and Emily ready to entertain Uncle Andy!
 Goofy Elisa and Amy strike a pose!
 So happy to have my dad here for Father's Day this year! We had to get him an awesome gift!
 Melissa lovin' on Jake
 Let the feast begin! Maren, Jake, Parker and Alex following in line behind Grandpa
 Annette made it to Texas!
 Pool time! Jake and Bex tubing
 Super funny moment! Jacob was running in flippers and slipped, landing his foot hard and further into the flipper. His foot was stuck! Took a little grease to fix that one!
 Pool babes: Emily, Kylie and Maren
 Jacob being introduced to Uncle Dan and Elisa
 I just love these pics showing how gentle they were with him!
 After being poked and prodded, Jacob decided they were keepers!
 Uncle Dan loved baby Jacob!
 Could not get enough of these two!
 Parker watching Bex in the hot tub
 A family reunion would not be a reunion without a high stressed game of Pounce!
 Parker with Jacob
 Even Grandpa got a little Jacob time!
 Emily, Parker and I
We spent many fun days at Amy and Brady's house swimming, eating, and hanging out with our cousins throughout the week! It was so awesome to see so much of my family and I can't wait to see them all again!

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