Monday, September 29, 2014

Fascinated with Laundry

Whenever I put a load of laundry in the dryer, Jacob is right by my side! He love to watch the clothes spin! Such a cute little boy!

Friday, September 26, 2014


 Oh no! Look at what my sisters made me do!
 He could totally be a Victoria's Secret model here!
 How do I get this thing off???
Just adorable as the girls in our house are all giggling uncontrollably! 
All right, really, that's enough!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Playing in our Cupboards

 Jacob is so proud that he discovered the kitchen cupboards! He climbs right up onto the shelf all the time now and waits for me to find him! Just love that smile and squishy cheeks!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Parker Heads off to New Zealand

We visited our cousins ward for church today to listen to Parker give his farewell talk in sacrament meeting. He has chosen to serve a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Auckland, New Zealand! His talk was amazing - it has been so much fun watching Parker grow over these past 3 years we've been in Texas! He is going to be a great missionary and I cannot wait for him to come home with all his stories to share!
After church we celebrated with a yummy BBQ dinner! 
 Jacob is starting to get into everything these days! Had to protect him from the fireplace!
 Jacob will be 1 year old in 2 months and probably won't even remember Parker when he returns home and Jacob will almost be 3!
 Parker is so good with our kids! They love to hang out with him and Jacob loved getting all his attention!
 Bex is sure gonna miss Parker when he's gone!
It was fun to have Grandma visit 
 Even Grandpa and Uncle Brad made it out for Parker's farewell!
 Jacob finally got a nap!
 A few friendly photos with Dad and Brad
Grandpa got some Jacob time!
Love these boys!
Just goofy - Brad, Megan and sleeping Jacob   
  Great picture of our missionary with Grandpa and Uncle Brad!
It is going to be a very long 2 years without Parker around! He is going to have an amazing time and we will definitely be sending letters and emailing often! The Lopez crew supports our favorite missionary and send all our love with him to New Zealand! See you in a couple Parkie Pooh!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Ellisor Hoedown

We started off the hoedown watching Matthew's 3rd grade class perform a few dances they had been practicing during PE class this month. There were too many boys in this group, so Matthew was a little embarrassed to have to square dance with a boy. 
 They invited the audience to participate halfway through.
Swing your Partner!!!
 One of Sam's favorites - The Chicken Dance! 
 I wasn't going to put this picture in because I think I look ridiculous with that horse laugh going on and my squishy body, but don't focus on me - look at the genuine smile on Matthew's face! That sums up the fun we were having dancing together! Priceless!!!
More chicken dancing with our crew! 
The kids loved watching Sam dance and we were happy to have help when a teacher volunteered to hold Jacob for us so we could all dance together!
Our super cute kids on the wagon (major cute props around the room) 
One hoedown done, one more to go! We had to be at the school at 9:00 for Matthew's group to dance and left at 10:00, then returned at 11:00 for Emily's class and didn't get out of school until after 12:00.
 Emily's 5th grade class had too many girls! Just the opposite of Matthew.
 My boys watching all the fun!
Emily square dancing with the group 
The fun really started with the chicken dance! 
 Sam was getting down with the dance!
 The best partner! Swinging around!
Loved watching these two be so goofy together! 
We were all hoedown'd out by the end of Emily's class! Definitely good times!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Grandma Visits

 We love when Grandma comes to town! It means good company, good food and good times!!!
Jacob meeting Grandma after 6 months of separation - And he plants a big fat smooch! Love this! He really grabs her cheeks and pulls her in! 
 And Uncle Brad comes to visit too!
Checking this strange person out 
Feeling with his hands
 Grandma passed inspection and got tons of Jacob's attention tonight! 
Of course we can't forget sweet Bex! She was hamming it up with Uncle Brad the whole night! After a yummy lasagna meal at our apartment, Grandma went home with Brad to spend the night before heading off to Aunt Amy's house. The bonus of having 3 children living within 1 hours drive of each other in Texas!
Our crazy crew!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Back to School Carnival

Magnolia 2nd Ward had an outdoor carnival to celebrate the beginning of the school year. The kids had a blast with mom (Sam was out of town this weekend for his brother's funeral). 
 Matthew, Byron and Conner being goofy in the bounce house
Matthew found the rope swing 
 Emily hanging out
Bex gives it a go! 
 The kids enjoyed their yummy shave ice along with hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, watermelon, and treats throughout the evening. 
Jacob was very entertained with Sis. Beaird! 
 Time for the giant water slide!
 It was slow moving at first, but you eventually picked up speed!
The pileup 
 Watermelon eating contest girls competition
And more watersliding 
 Bex riding the pony like a champ!
Katie takes a turn with Sis. Filetti 
 Yee-haw Bex! 
 Bex loved her ride! 
 I had to talk Matthew into his horeback ride. Sis. Filetti was very patient with him. 
 Then of course the hayride towards the end of our carnival outing.
Matthew even snuck the reigns for awhile! He ended up loving the ride! 
 Emily and Jacob enjoying the pony
 Even Jacob got to ride the big horse with Sis. Filetti. It was hard to tell if he enjoyed it or not - kept a pretty serious face the whole time!
Future Cowboy! 
 The girls and Jacob rode the hayride with me and we had a blast! 
 There's my cute smiley boy! 
 Checking out the tractor - Emily, Jacob, and Bex
 Katie and the other young women there were in charge of the face painting booth - which became arm and hand painting too!
When I see all my children smiling throughout the evening, I know this was a big hit for our family! They loved hanging out with their friends, eating good food, and all the activities! Definitely a day to remember!