Friday, September 19, 2014

Ellisor Hoedown

We started off the hoedown watching Matthew's 3rd grade class perform a few dances they had been practicing during PE class this month. There were too many boys in this group, so Matthew was a little embarrassed to have to square dance with a boy. 
 They invited the audience to participate halfway through.
Swing your Partner!!!
 One of Sam's favorites - The Chicken Dance! 
 I wasn't going to put this picture in because I think I look ridiculous with that horse laugh going on and my squishy body, but don't focus on me - look at the genuine smile on Matthew's face! That sums up the fun we were having dancing together! Priceless!!!
More chicken dancing with our crew! 
The kids loved watching Sam dance and we were happy to have help when a teacher volunteered to hold Jacob for us so we could all dance together!
Our super cute kids on the wagon (major cute props around the room) 
One hoedown done, one more to go! We had to be at the school at 9:00 for Matthew's group to dance and left at 10:00, then returned at 11:00 for Emily's class and didn't get out of school until after 12:00.
 Emily's 5th grade class had too many girls! Just the opposite of Matthew.
 My boys watching all the fun!
Emily square dancing with the group 
The fun really started with the chicken dance! 
 Sam was getting down with the dance!
 The best partner! Swinging around!
Loved watching these two be so goofy together! 
We were all hoedown'd out by the end of Emily's class! Definitely good times!

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