Sunday, September 21, 2014

Parker Heads off to New Zealand

We visited our cousins ward for church today to listen to Parker give his farewell talk in sacrament meeting. He has chosen to serve a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Auckland, New Zealand! His talk was amazing - it has been so much fun watching Parker grow over these past 3 years we've been in Texas! He is going to be a great missionary and I cannot wait for him to come home with all his stories to share!
After church we celebrated with a yummy BBQ dinner! 
 Jacob is starting to get into everything these days! Had to protect him from the fireplace!
 Jacob will be 1 year old in 2 months and probably won't even remember Parker when he returns home and Jacob will almost be 3!
 Parker is so good with our kids! They love to hang out with him and Jacob loved getting all his attention!
 Bex is sure gonna miss Parker when he's gone!
It was fun to have Grandma visit 
 Even Grandpa and Uncle Brad made it out for Parker's farewell!
 Jacob finally got a nap!
 A few friendly photos with Dad and Brad
Grandpa got some Jacob time!
Love these boys!
Just goofy - Brad, Megan and sleeping Jacob   
  Great picture of our missionary with Grandpa and Uncle Brad!
It is going to be a very long 2 years without Parker around! He is going to have an amazing time and we will definitely be sending letters and emailing often! The Lopez crew supports our favorite missionary and send all our love with him to New Zealand! See you in a couple Parkie Pooh!!!

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