Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

 We made it to the pumpkin patch this year! Here are the kids climbing on the spider.
The pumpkin pileup! 
Katie is about 5 feet tall now and Emily is about 4 "3". 
 Both a little bit taller on their tip toes!
 Waiting in line for the hayride
 Daddy is so funny! Like this tame ride will make you scream!!!
The hayriders! 
 Love these kiddos! Emily and Katie taking good care of Jacob.
Our crew on the Turkey display
 Waiting in line for the train ride - best part was eating popcorn and ice-es!
 Jacob got a grape flavored icee
 Bex says, "What color is my mouth?"
 Our kiddos on the train ride - they picked the caboose of course!
 Katie took our picture and of course nobody is looking at the camera except for Megan!
 Matthew, Katie and Emily on the opposite bench from us.
 Rebecca checking out the sunset scenery on our train ride around the farm
At the end, everyone picked a pumpkin to carve and here is Rebecca trying to pull the wagon to the car.  She didn't get very far, but it was cute to see her trying! The pumpkin patch was a great success and the whole family had a fun evening hanging out together!

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