Friday, October 31, 2014

Haunted Halloween

 We were totally fooled this year with our trick-or-treating. I thought that since we were living in apartments that the kids would get stacked with treats from all the doors in such close proximity. Well, the reality is that nobody gives out candy at the apartments and it was frustrating to run up and down all the stairs to knock and nobody answered (except maybe 4 doors)
I walked the kids around while daddy waited at home to hand out candy.
 This was one of the very few doors that opened for us - a bunch of kids joined our group and were disappointed at the inactivity! It was time for a backup plan! I took Jacob home to sit with daddy and took the other kids to a very kid friendly neighborhood about 10 minutes away.
The neighborhood was so much better! The kids scored on Halloween candy!  
 Matthew, my crazy clown looked pretty creepy this year!
 Emily the pirate leads the way!
 I liked the houses where people sat out in their driveway with candy to share! Less walking required!
I would drive the van to the end of the block and then walk back to join the kids in their trick-or-treat adventures! We had a great time!!! The kids had a fun laugh when I screamed and ran away from this stranger dressed up as the famous creepy Jason. I still deny the incident to this day!
 Sleeping Beauty takes a break from all the walking with Pirate Emily
By the end of the night, everyone was exhausted! We drove quick to the Mooneyham's house to see their haunted house, but they had all ready shut it down for the night. Bummer! But we did have a lot of fun and crazy stories to share!
Happy Halloween!

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