Saturday, December 20, 2014

Magnolia 1st Ward Christmas Dinner

This year we were blessed to be able to double dip in the Christmas celebrations at church! We had breakfast with the Magnolia 2nd Ward this morning and now dinner with Magnolia 1st Ward.
Needless to say, Jacob was not a big fan of Santa this year! This is as close as he would get!
 Rebecca was a complete angel for Santa
 Emily sat on the jolly fellow's lap!
And shared a good laugh! 
 Matthew got to share his short list of gifts he wants for Christmas
Even Katie got to sit on Santa's lap!
What a great group of kids! 
 They were so excited to get awesome candy from Santa!
 In the end, Jacob came around to at least look at Santa without any tears!
 We were the VIP crew as Sam's friend Freddy Youngblood was Santa that night! He was fabulous and none of the kids knew who he was so it was special awesome for everyone! Thanks to Freddy and his wife for sharing that evening with so many great people! 

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