Friday, December 5, 2014

Market Street Holiday Performance

Emily has been so fun to watch in her 5th grade choir! I love her animation! Sam took the day off from work to drive out to The Woodlands Mall area and we watched her 5th grade class perform several Christmas songs while being videotaped for a clip of the local news. She was so excited to be on TV, missing 1/2 day of school for this field trip, and having a pizza party for lunch!
The group getting ready to sing
 Emily has a beautiful voice and I hope she continues with music! 
 The Market Street Square is a fun place to visit with all the holiday cheer! Here is the entire 5th grade choir posing in front of the giant Christmas tree.
  Emily was kneeling on the far left bottom row
 Emily's #1 fan - Daddy Sam! He also loves to joke with her and stole her Santa hat several times! She loves trying to get him back!
I am so proud of this awesome girl! She always brings a smile to my face!
 Daddy was busy entertaining Jacob while mom and Emily mingled with the crowd!
 Holly and Emily are great friends in choir and in the classroom! It is so much fun watching these girls grow into such beautiful young ladies! Let the holiday season begin!

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