Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sky Zone

Emily bouncing, she shoots, she scores! 
Matthew made his basket and is retrieving the ball! 
Katie in the big kid area playing dodgeball 
 Hit 'em Katie!
That look - mom, put the camera away! 
Bex bouncing into the foam pit! 
 Matthew in the middle age section playing dodgeball! Great throw!
Bex heading to the pit! 
Bouncing in the kiddie area, Bex was the bravest kid there and had a blast while the other little kids sat around the edge most of the time! 
Mom, watch me super high bounce! 
Matt shoots and scores again! 
Emily made it to the foam pit! 
 My super high bouncer Bex!
 With summer break on, the lines were pretty long at times!
 Matthew, Katie and Emily bouncing in the big kid zone
 Emily caught some air!
Matthew was doing flips and crazy tricks off the walls! They were fun to watch! We will definitely have to do this again sometime!

Friday, June 26, 2015

When it Rains it Pours

In this downpour, the kids were jumping up and down wanting to go out and play in it! So we let them go! 
 Splashing through the parking lot!
Bex, Emily and Matthew had a great time getting soaked today! In Texas, when it rains, it seriously pours!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Scout Camp

 This awesome kid had scout camp all week long! He went to the local park this year over on Brown's Road and they were so lucky to enjoy such beautiful weather!
Here is his dream catcher and flag that they made today! His favorite parts of camp this year was archery and playing soccer during their free time with all the other boys! 
This was his second year of scout camp and he is doing so well in the scouting program! I love that he loves this stuff and I don't have to push him to go! Thank you to all the leaders that participate and take the time to help this boy along!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Monkey Bizness Fun!

 We started off our summer break heading to Monkey Bizness for some serious bouncing fun!
 Katie and Emily climbing to the top!
 Jacob loved the little kiddie area! Just his size!
Emily bouncing off the walls!
 Poor Matthew got another nosebleed
 Bex made it up to the tippy top for her first time! It is harder than it looks! Way to go Bex!
 Emily on the racing side!
Katie with the giant glove taking on Matthew's friend Byron! Look out!
Jacob and mommy went down the giant slide several times! 
Bex became pro at climbing the mountain! 
 Matthew and Byron playing soccer at the bottom of the giant slide!
The boys take the climb!
What a great group! We had so much fun and it wasn't such a busy day crashing into other families! Fun fun fun!
On our way home from Monkey Bizness, we went over the train tracks on Hardin Store Road, so close to home, and the granite topped kitchen table we had in the back of the van bounced and popped the window right out of the back! Scared us to death! The kids got such a kick out of that and I tell them, good thing I know a car guy that can fix that for me! (that would be Sam)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Happy Father's Day Sam!

We took Daddy Sam out to Golden Corral for dinner Saturday night to celebrate Father's Day this weekend! 
 Jacob's favorite part of the meal (along with all the other kids of course) is the dessert! Chocolate fondue fountains make all the dipping fun!
These are seriously my favorite people! They always attack their daddy with hugs, kisses, and whatever tackling combat abilities they can try to get away with! 
The kids made decorations for Sam that we hung on our mirror in the dining room. Lots of hearts and sweet messages! We also made him a Coca Cola cake! Yummy!!! 
We are so grateful to have Sam in our home! He is fun and silly and very entertaining for all of us! He loves us and we love him!
Happy Father's Day!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Yummy Muffins!

I love it when Katie scrounges through the cupboard looking for something yummy to bake! She found a recipe and the right ingredients to make these yummy apple cinnamon breakfast muffins and they turned out fantastic! Everyone devoured them! She is a great cook!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Touch the Temple

 Driving by the temple one night on our way home from 59 Diner and we had to stop and touch it! The feeling of peace from just standing beside the temple is awesome!
Eternity may seem like a long way, but with these kids beside me, the daily battles make the journey so worth it!
We love to see the temple! Our eternal family rocks!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Emily's 5th Grade Graduation

The 5th graders celebrated all day long today as their final farewell to elementary school. I arrived at the festivities when they were packed into the library watching a slide show of all their pictures throughout the school year! It was adorable! I found Emily sitting with Ani of course!
At one point they all went outside for the ceremonial balloon launch!
 Everyone was given a blue balloon to release symbolizing their release from elementary school into middle school next year!
Class picture fun! Emily is right in the center. 
 Letting her balloon go, I looked at her through this lens, but I knew she was giggling a little because I was trying to hide my tears.
Blowing away
 With the balloons loose, we had one more tradition that had to be completed!
  The 5th graders get to do their "final walk of the halls"
All the classrooms lineup against the wall throughout the building and the 5th graders make the big circle around. It's so much fun watching everyone give high fives and cheering loud as their favorites walk by.
And there she goes! Off to 6th grade!!! 
We scooped up Matthew out of Mrs. Trader's classroom and said our goodbyes to her. 
Farewell to Mrs. Sanders 5th grade class 2015!
Leaving the school with these two and realizing that things will never be the same after this - which is good as the kids need to progress - but I miss my kids being younger! I don't want them to grow up too fast!