Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Emily's 5th Grade Graduation

The 5th graders celebrated all day long today as their final farewell to elementary school. I arrived at the festivities when they were packed into the library watching a slide show of all their pictures throughout the school year! It was adorable! I found Emily sitting with Ani of course!
At one point they all went outside for the ceremonial balloon launch!
 Everyone was given a blue balloon to release symbolizing their release from elementary school into middle school next year!
Class picture fun! Emily is right in the center. 
 Letting her balloon go, I looked at her through this lens, but I knew she was giggling a little because I was trying to hide my tears.
Blowing away
 With the balloons loose, we had one more tradition that had to be completed!
  The 5th graders get to do their "final walk of the halls"
All the classrooms lineup against the wall throughout the building and the 5th graders make the big circle around. It's so much fun watching everyone give high fives and cheering loud as their favorites walk by.
And there she goes! Off to 6th grade!!! 
We scooped up Matthew out of Mrs. Trader's classroom and said our goodbyes to her. 
Farewell to Mrs. Sanders 5th grade class 2015!
Leaving the school with these two and realizing that things will never be the same after this - which is good as the kids need to progress - but I miss my kids being younger! I don't want them to grow up too fast! 

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