Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Monkey Bizness Fun!

 We started off our summer break heading to Monkey Bizness for some serious bouncing fun!
 Katie and Emily climbing to the top!
 Jacob loved the little kiddie area! Just his size!
Emily bouncing off the walls!
 Poor Matthew got another nosebleed
 Bex made it up to the tippy top for her first time! It is harder than it looks! Way to go Bex!
 Emily on the racing side!
Katie with the giant glove taking on Matthew's friend Byron! Look out!
Jacob and mommy went down the giant slide several times! 
Bex became pro at climbing the mountain! 
 Matthew and Byron playing soccer at the bottom of the giant slide!
The boys take the climb!
What a great group! We had so much fun and it wasn't such a busy day crashing into other families! Fun fun fun!
On our way home from Monkey Bizness, we went over the train tracks on Hardin Store Road, so close to home, and the granite topped kitchen table we had in the back of the van bounced and popped the window right out of the back! Scared us to death! The kids got such a kick out of that and I tell them, good thing I know a car guy that can fix that for me! (that would be Sam)

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