Friday, July 31, 2015


These boys share a room together in our new house. It was so adorable to walk upstairs and find them both sleeping on the floor, side-by-side, next to Matt's bed. Both were so exhausted and I could imagine the fun they were having together before they crashed! Love 'em!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Variety Show

 This summer, Katie and Emily decided to take these acting classes. It was a 7 week course, meeting once or twice each week, and ending with a fun variety show!
 Emily did a great job on her performance! Made us all laugh!
 Katie did a great job of course!
They both had 2 parts to perform tonight and they both shined! 
 This was really funny because I thought this was a group picture of everyone who participated when it was actually just one family getting their photo - oops! I made Emily and Katie totally photo bomb their family picture!
 Here's the whole crew! Miss Cherish is a fabulous teacher (red dress) and the girls look forward to many more acting opportunities for Highlight Theater Company!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


 We love our new backyard and find ways to play outdoors every hot summer day!
 Bex bouncing through the sprinklers!
Spraying the sprinklers on the slide and launching off!
Bex is in charge and they are playing Mother May I through the sprinklers to where she is standing! Matthew's friend Byron came over to play today while his mom set up her room at school as the computer lab teacher in the junior high. We love friends and we love sprinklers!!!

Moving Time

 We found a beautiful house to lease for the upcoming year which means we have a lot of packing and cleaning to do!
 But it's always time for a jelly belly break!
The kids and I would clear out as much as we could throughout the apartment while daddy is at work so that we can be prepared for the official move this weekend! We are definitely hard at work here!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bex Turns 5!

 For Rebecca's birthday this year, the family took her to see the Minions movie! She loved it and we all enjoyed pigging out on popcorn and laughing with our favorite little yellow dudes!
Heading back to the van after the movie. It was great to have the whole family there to celebrate! 
That night Bex got to open presents 
She LOVED her My Little Pony birthday cake!!! 
Time to make a wish! 
Blowing out her 5 candles
These are the homemade cards her older siblings made for her and I love them the most! Emily's is on the left, Matthew's on the right and Katie's is up top.
It is so hard to believe my little girl is 5 years old now! She has grown so much this past year! I will miss her constant chatter around the house all day long when she heads off to school! She has such a great imagination and is so fun for all the other kids to hang around! Bex loves to sing and dance! Give this girl a stage and she's in heaven! Whenever we go out to eat at our favorite restaurants, we have to make her wait till right before we leave, then we let her dance it all out! It is hilarious to watch her just let loose for a few minutes with an attentive audience around us! She says the most wonderful prayers, always blessing her cousin Parker on his mission in New Zealand and lots of love for everyone everywhere! You can't help but love this little lady in all her sweetness! Couldn't imaging life without Bex! 
Happy Birthday!!! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pool Fun!

Before we move out of these apartments, we are going to take advantage of the pool as much as we can! Every morning we jump in the pool around 9:00 and swim for 1-2 hours. The kids are in heaven and I love the fun each morning! It is usually very peaceful for us! 
Keeping an eye on Jacob is tough work!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mary Poppins

 Date night with my girls! We went to the production of Mary Poppins!
I had ordered seats well in advance and when we got there, the seats on our ticket did not exist! It was crazy! But we moved to center stage aisles and found seats there. 
Our favorite part of the play was the chimney sweeps song! The dancing and swinging through the air was phenomenal! It was a great night out with Katie and Emily!  
And of course we were there to watch Ashley Clark perform from our ward (Rebecca's swim teacher). She did great and there were several families from church there to support! Katie and Emily love theater and cannot wait to start their next classes!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Swimming Lessons for Bex

 We decided that Rebecca needs to have swimming lessons this summer!
She made a ton of progress with Ashley Clark as her swim teacher! 
Four days a week at the Clark's pool! Check out her kicking and face in the water! 
 I loved the one-on-one time they had together!
Great job diving for the diving rings Bex! She sure loves the water!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Friends in Livingston

We spent our Saturday afternoon at Keith and Carol's house! Matt and Bex love the front porch swing! 
 Bex giving Keith hugs!
 Had to BBQ some burgers and links in the backyard! Sam and Keith have been friends for 25+ years!
Jacob and Emily entertaining Carol while the food is cooking! It is always fun to visit such good friends!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!

Outside of our apartment one night and we found these giant frogs (toads?) right in our walkway! Bex got surprised with one in her hair! 
Matt making friends 
Living with this giant pond on the backside of our apartment complex always brings the craziest critters! These kids are in heaven! 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July cont.

So after watching the fireworks show at the Target parking lot in Tomball, we headed back to the apartments to light off our own fireworks! We found a dirt pit outside of the apartment gates as our destination and had a blast!
 Lighting up the sparklers
 Daddy lighting Bex's flower
The boys of course took over the show! I do remember Matthew burning his fingers after lighting a firecracker in his hand - he will not be doing that again any time soon! His first firecracker injury.
 Sparkler fun!
The girls loved sparklering! 
Bex loved twirling! 
 Bex and Emily lighting it up!
Sam and Matt 
 We can never do sparklers without referencing Harry Potter - expeliarmis!
We lit the place up with ground fireworks and of course all the hand held ones! Go Roman candles! Katie was feeling pretty lethal that night!