Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bex Turns 5!

 For Rebecca's birthday this year, the family took her to see the Minions movie! She loved it and we all enjoyed pigging out on popcorn and laughing with our favorite little yellow dudes!
Heading back to the van after the movie. It was great to have the whole family there to celebrate! 
That night Bex got to open presents 
She LOVED her My Little Pony birthday cake!!! 
Time to make a wish! 
Blowing out her 5 candles
These are the homemade cards her older siblings made for her and I love them the most! Emily's is on the left, Matthew's on the right and Katie's is up top.
It is so hard to believe my little girl is 5 years old now! She has grown so much this past year! I will miss her constant chatter around the house all day long when she heads off to school! She has such a great imagination and is so fun for all the other kids to hang around! Bex loves to sing and dance! Give this girl a stage and she's in heaven! Whenever we go out to eat at our favorite restaurants, we have to make her wait till right before we leave, then we let her dance it all out! It is hilarious to watch her just let loose for a few minutes with an attentive audience around us! She says the most wonderful prayers, always blessing her cousin Parker on his mission in New Zealand and lots of love for everyone everywhere! You can't help but love this little lady in all her sweetness! Couldn't imaging life without Bex! 
Happy Birthday!!! 

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