Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July cont.

So after watching the fireworks show at the Target parking lot in Tomball, we headed back to the apartments to light off our own fireworks! We found a dirt pit outside of the apartment gates as our destination and had a blast!
 Lighting up the sparklers
 Daddy lighting Bex's flower
The boys of course took over the show! I do remember Matthew burning his fingers after lighting a firecracker in his hand - he will not be doing that again any time soon! His first firecracker injury.
 Sparkler fun!
The girls loved sparklering! 
Bex loved twirling! 
 Bex and Emily lighting it up!
Sam and Matt 
 We can never do sparklers without referencing Harry Potter - expeliarmis!
We lit the place up with ground fireworks and of course all the hand held ones! Go Roman candles! Katie was feeling pretty lethal that night!

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