Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Foot Surgery

 Sam has had a broken foot since last October. We have taken him to numerous ortho visits for repeated x-rays to see if his hairline fracture improves at all (he was in a walking boot for a month, using a bone regenerator nightly for a month and a half, and supposed to be taking it easy while it naturally heals itself - but none of that made any improvements so we finally agreed to surgically mend it). Yes, that is a large screw that they placed in his left foot to heal the fracture. Hopefully the pain will go away and he will regain full function of his foot again!
Mom and Jacob had  to wait out in the waiting area while daddy was having his surgery. The water fountain was a huge hit! 
 This boy was such a trooper waiting so long - we even took a super long drive back to Katie's school to drop some papers off for her that she forgot at home that morning. It was great to get out for a bit and give this boy a change in scenery!
When we arrived back at the hospital, daddy's surgeon wanted to meet with me in a separate room to discuss the surgery and various aftercare instructions. Jacob loved being able to play on daddy's phone while the doctor had mom's undivided attention! We are so blessed that Sam did very well during the surgery! He has to take it easy for a couple of days, especially while the nerve block is in the back of his leg for the next 3 days helping his foot feel zero pain. Hopefully his recovery will be quick!

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