Monday, July 25, 2016

Bex Turns 6

 This sweet girl turned 6 years old today! Time to celebrate!!!
She loved waking up to all the decorations just for her big day! 
 We had to begin with a birthday breakfast at the donut shop around the corner! Can't get enough sprinkles!!!
Her lineup of presents 
One excited girl! 
Shopkins was at the top of her list! 
I love this girl's spunky personality! She still loves pink and is into frilly girlie girl everything! 
Making a wish before blowing out her candles 
And there she goes! 
Happy Birthday Rebecca Pearl! Mom and Dad are so proud of how much you have grown this past year! You are quite the artist in our home - constantly coloring/drawing pictures that fill up our refrigerator! It's hard to believe you will be in 1st grade this year! Hope you enjoy your summer and especially feel great turning 6 years old! Happy Birthday Bex!  

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