Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Happy 7th Birthday Rebecca!

 This girl stole my heart 7 years ago when she first entered our family! My life was chaos and she was my peace. She brought me so much happiness that I couldn't feel any hurt or pain! I loved decorating and celebrating Bex's birthday today and forever feel grateful for her presence in my life! 
Despicable M3 was her movie of choice for her birthday. Fun to watch with the whole family while chowing down on so much popcorn!!! 
We played a few games in the lobby arcade and then headed out after the movie. The girls stopped to strike a pose! 
 Bex's gift pile! 
 It was a Barbie birthday for sure! Elsa and Anna were a big hit!
Fun unwrapping 
She also got a light-up mermaid Barbie and a dolphin/surfer Barbie. She was in heaven! 
Trolls Birthday cake for the grand finale 
Conducting while we sang our Happy Birthday song 
 This is my favorite picture though! It was so sweet to watch her pause and make a wish before blowing out her candles! This girl ran up to the front of the theater to dance during the movie credits after Despicable M3 - she still does that everytime! She is full of spunk and her heart is so big! I am so blessed to call her mine!!! Happy 7th Birthday my sweet Bex!
Love ya to the moon!!!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Road Trip With My Girls

 Katie was at EFY San Antonio all week long! Check out time was at 7:00am Saturday morning. It was a 3.5 hour drive so that meant super early leaving time! Emily and I braved the 3:00am alarm clock and left before 4. It was so much fun talking and laughing with Emily the entire ride! She did great keeping me awake and we both enjoyed our Code Red/Mountain Dew drinks! We picked up Katie at Trinity University at 7:15am and hit the road heading home. Our first stop was at Buccees of course!!!
And there might have been some goofing off with these girls starting with trying on these awesome hats! 
 We spent a long time shopping and finding just the right gift to buy for family members that missed out on this adventure! Then we got slurpees and hit the road again!
There was nonstop chatting and laughter all the way home - I forgot how exhausted I was! When we made it back to Magnolia around 1:00, we made another stop at Chick-fil-a for yummy lunch! From that spot, the girls thought it was way cooler to sit all the way in the back with the seats folded down sharing their phone finds from the week! Love these girls and enjoy spending time with them whenever I get the opportunity!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July!

We love the Tomball fireworks show! Matthew, Bex and Emily relaxing before the show begins! They were able to throw football around and play a little soccer with kids around us before it got really dark. 
We had our seats set up outside to watch the show! 
 Mom with the kids
We literally pulled over on the side of the road before the 249 tollway in Tomball 
 The fireworks were so clear and beautiful!
Love Jacob plugging his ears! 
We LOVE the Fireworks! Mom, Dad and toothless Bex cuddling for the show! 
We listened to patriotic music the whole show and drive home. It was a 30 minute firework display and we were so happy we made it home from our vacation in San Antonio at 7pm that night just in time to grab chairs and drive out to see the show! Everyone was exhausted when we got home around 10:00 that night and slept hard to recover!
Happy 4th of July America! We are so thankful to all who serve our country so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have! God Bless!!!