Saturday, July 8, 2017

Road Trip With My Girls

 Katie was at EFY San Antonio all week long! Check out time was at 7:00am Saturday morning. It was a 3.5 hour drive so that meant super early leaving time! Emily and I braved the 3:00am alarm clock and left before 4. It was so much fun talking and laughing with Emily the entire ride! She did great keeping me awake and we both enjoyed our Code Red/Mountain Dew drinks! We picked up Katie at Trinity University at 7:15am and hit the road heading home. Our first stop was at Buccees of course!!!
And there might have been some goofing off with these girls starting with trying on these awesome hats! 
 We spent a long time shopping and finding just the right gift to buy for family members that missed out on this adventure! Then we got slurpees and hit the road again!
There was nonstop chatting and laughter all the way home - I forgot how exhausted I was! When we made it back to Magnolia around 1:00, we made another stop at Chick-fil-a for yummy lunch! From that spot, the girls thought it was way cooler to sit all the way in the back with the seats folded down sharing their phone finds from the week! Love these girls and enjoy spending time with them whenever I get the opportunity!

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