Sunday, November 26, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We had a quiet Thanksgiving starting with the Macy's Day Parade in the morning and beginning our new puzzle and hanging out around the TV all afternoon. I love having the kids home from school and were blessed to have an entire week! We went to the movies Tuesday to see Thor Ragnarok, bowling Wednesday night, and enjoying Thanksgiving turkey with all the fixings Thursday, then finishing up with finding our Christmas tree on Friday! Such a fun packed week! 
Jacob had more fun mixing all his food together than actually eating it!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! 
In the chapel before church starts - these boys fill their boredom with awesome selfies! 
We finished the puzzle up before heading back to school! Emily and Bex were my biggest puzzle helpers! And we even got the tree decorated Sunday night! What a week! Feeling extremely blessed to be a part of this wonderful family!

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