Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Poetry Cafe

Matthew's English class held a poetry cafe in the library for parents to come hear them present 3 of the 5 poems they had created in class at Vogel Intermediate School.  
 The kids were seated at designated tables around the library and each table would line up to get their chance at the mic to share one poem then return to their seats. They did this 3 times and it was so neat to watch each student shine sharing their original work! 
With a bright light shining in their faces, they couldn't really see the audience at all and that helped with the kids that were super nervous. Matthew was very confident and did an excellent job reciting his 3 poems! 
Matthew had me bring Christmas frosted brownies to share with everyone. There was a food table loaded with cookies, popcorn, brownies, and various snacks with drinks to eat before, during and after the show! 
 Jacob sat on my lap for most of the show, but couldn't help it when Matthew had read his final poem and returned to his seat and had to give him a big hug!
 More sillies after the poetry cafe ended
Matthew just soaks Jacob up!  
And Matthew was happy to report that he has discovered that Jacob is a chick magnet! When he was holding Jacob and playing, all the girls came over to visit them! So funny! 
This was such a fun, simple way to help our students shine! Matthew was really excited about me coming to watch him and mostly loved the food and leaving home early with me! What a great avenue for our 6th graders!

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