Friday, December 8, 2017

Miracle - Snow in Houston!

Thursday night, Emily and Katie both had babysitting jobs at different homes. When I drove to pick up Emily it was mostly freezing rain, but I saw a few snowflakes and my hopes skyrocketed! Emily did not believe it would snow in Houston - EVER! Here she is posing with a few flakes drinking a slurpee wearing her capri's. 
 We picked up Katie next and she was thrilled to see some white flakes! She opened her mouth wide to snatch a taste! Headed home and could see a few more flurries but nothing was sticking!
 Woke up to this view walking downstairs
Katie left to seminary too early to grab pics so Bex was first in the snow! 
 Wishing we had some warm winter wear for this sweet girl!
She was so excited to have a little blanket of snow! 
 Matthew was next. Not so excited.
But ready to tease me with a snowball to my face! 
He was nice and took aim at our neighbor's house instead 
Emily was surprised (even though she wouldn't admit it) to see snow in Texas! It's not like the snow up north she is used to, but it was such a pleasant surprise! I think my excitement eventually rubbed off on her! 
 At least she would get a ride to school and not have to ride her bike today!
Here's our street sign before all the snow melted away 
I lived in Michigan for 10 years and this is nothing compared to what I had to endure up there! I don't know why I was so excited about this little dusting of snow - I knew all my Michigan friends would be laughing at my enthusiasm, after all, this is 1-inch and they're used to 2 feet or more! It did bring back many fond memories of the snow for me and my family. And it is the first snow Bex and Jacob have seen (Jacob said, "I no like snow" and would not even pose for a picture for me, but he did look out the windows at it). What a way to start our holiday season! We survived the great snow storm of Houston 2017!

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