Thursday, February 14, 2013

Be Mine

 We started our Valentine's Day celebration at school with all the kids in their classrooms.  Bex and I strolled into Matthew's class first.  He would not pose nicely with his teacher, Mrs. Schulte, but we know he loves her!  She always has such great praise for him!  That was the first 15 minutes of the party...
 The next 15 minutes was spent in Katie's classroom.  Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Widmer, whom she really enjoys all the experiments that are done in class for all the kids to ooohh and aaahh over!
The final 15 minutes were spent in Emily's class with Mrs. Taylor.  Emily is excelling in math this year, she got the only 100% on one of her benchmark math tests in both her class and her swithch class!  Wow!  The kids all scored so much candy and fun Valentines! 
 The kids helped me bake Sam's heart cookie.  Each picked a different type of sprinkle to put on top!  It was so sugar-filled!
 The kids each got a stuffed animal and a box full of candy!  Yum! 
 Matthew got the hot lips straw while the girls got a little notepad to take notes with
 Sam and I went on a date to the temple that night.  While we were gone, the kids "heart attacked" Sam's closet door with all the hearts we had secretly been cutting out for the past few days.
 I think the kids did a great job taping these up!
 Some of our favorite hearts were "Hunk of Burnin' Love" and "Hot Lips"
Emily also made a good one - "Elvis/Hunk"
We had a great Valentine's Day and everyone got all sugared up!  It was wonderful to go to the temple that night with my sweetheart after celebrating all day long with the kids! 
Happy Valentine's Day!

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